
Our Town's Halloween Festival

This weekend was full of family time and Autumn fun! Saturday we headed downtown to our town's Halloween Festival and checked out all of the fun costumes, fall holiday booths, and spooky games. It's so small town and so, so cute. Henry was wide-eyed the entire time and we had a great time looking at all of the older kids and all of the super creative outfits everyone had on. I can't wait until next year when Henry will be walking and talking with the best of 'em. Exciting.

This year Henry is a monster, and he pretty much hates wearing the hat of his costume (as shown below!). Tomorrow we are going trick-or-treating, so I'm going to attempt to somehow grab a photo of his whole outfit, but if yesterday was an indication the odds are not in our favor. We shall see though!

Here are some photos of our fun day:

Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011

Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011

Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
Halloween Festival 2011
